Transformations and SymmetryIntroduction
Many geometric concepts like A line is a set of infinitely many points that extend forever in both directions. Lines are always straight and have no width. A polygon is geometric shape that is made up of straight line segments. Polygons cannot contain any curved sides, or holes. For example, a square is a polygon but a circle is not.
Over time, we’ve imitated nature’s symmetry in art, architecture, technology and design. Symmetric shapes and patterns just seems to look more beautiful than non-symmetric ones.
But symmetry is much more important than simply looking beautiful. It lies at the very foundations of our universe, and can even explain the most fundamental laws of physics.
While symmetry is a very intuitive concept, describing it mathematically is more difficult than you might think. First, we have to learn about A transformation converts one geometric shape into another. There are many different types of transformations, like reflections or dilations.
The result of a transformation is called the After transforming a geometric shape, the result is called its image. It is often denoted by adding a ’ to the end of its label.